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Our journey

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”


Our journey began at a very early stage… but we were not yet on the same path!

Like Yin and Yang, we found ourselves on completely opposing paths which could not have been more different…

Yin, the female component or the woman, set out curiously in search of the best possible path for promoting health and lifestyle through nutrition, instructing herself in a range of fields before settling on the joyous path of Five Elements Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Yang, the male component or the man, took an educational tour through various fields from master hairdresser to product development, flying by like the wind - agile, fast and unstoppable - before reaching his joyous path based on the motto of ‘Back to the origins together while creating something new’.

Once Yin (the woman) and Yang (the man) had developed their skills, as fate would have it, these two focus-driven halves came together.

A different journey but the same destination.


“The driving restaurant begins” - together we are creating new things based on the origins of the five elements of nature.

Daniela and Alessandro

“Only he who knows his destination finds the way”


Our journey then continued along the same shared path and brought us to a striking double decker bus and many companions, all heading for the same destination.

“The driving restaurant begins” - together we are creating new things based on the origins of the five elements of nature.

The food truck will be converted into a well-being oasis in line with our own ideas thanks to the support of our team and our food will be designed based on our own principles and according to the laws of nature.


unique – individual - holistic – ecological

The Five Elements Kitchen Crew 

Authentic Tradition

Food + Party =

5 Elements Kitchen

Our Philosophy