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Discover nutrition made for you

“Let food be they medicine and medicine be thy food”.

Hippocrates of Cos 460- 377 BC

It all boils down to internal values. This applies both to us as individuals as well as to our food. Everything you give your body you are also giving to your mind and soul.

That’s why our motto is: “Eat what you want to be and what brings health and happiness to your body and soul”.

enjoyable - natural - holistic

What exactly this involves is completely individual and different for every person. Everyone reacts differently to food and that’s why we offer an individual selection in the form of bowls you can put together yourself.

You can therefore decide what’s good for you, adapted to your body type.

Of course, our team is always on hand to help you select your perfect food bowl.

Festival calendar

  • Festival 1
  • Festival 2
  • Festival 3

Festival menu

  • Risotto bowl served 3 ways
    with Parmesan cheese balls
  • Curry bowl
    with potato balls
  • Tiroler bowl
    with spinach balls
  • Variety salad bowl
    with 3 types of balls
  • Sweet breakfast bowl
    with honey or agave syrup hempseed oil
  • Spicy breakfast bowl
    with spring roll